Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

The Fates Conspired Against My Better Treadmill Entertainment

This evening, I went out to grab my mail and, as I was walking that way, noticed that the gym was empty. Having not done my biking the last couple days as should have happened, I decided that a quick jog on the treadmill would be beneficial (especially since the scale is tipping down again).

After quick journey back to the apartment to grab my iPad and shoes, I made my way back towards the gym where I would mooch off some wifi and catch some Parks and Rec courtesy of Netflix. Except that the wifi is either moles asses slow or just plain doesn't work, because I walked in place in front of a red screen loading for a couple minutes before giving up.

No matter, just about every machine in that room is wired up with cable. Flicking on the TV, I waited through a few commercials to see what channel I was on. Turns out it was the Food Network and it was showing Chopped, one of those god awful reality shows that the former cooking show channel likes to play these days. Because god forbid we're not entertained by shallow, scripted-through-editing shit TV instead of being educated on how to woo women with succulent dishes. Yes, I'm a little sore that every channel that had mildly educational stuff has gone over to this format (looking at you Discovery Channel, History Channel, The Learning Channel).

But, whatever. I could just change the channel. Except, the channel changing buttons wouldn't actually change anything. They clearly were doing something because the OSD would come up with the current station number, but it would actually change. At this point, I should have turned off the TV. But I didn't.

I walked/jogged as hippies tried to cook chickens feet for a Halloween themed dish.
