Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

The Watchings

I have nothing better to talk about than the things I am watching, either actively or are just stuck in the middle of. So, whatever.

Normal Shows

Breaking Bad - Currently somewhere in season 2. Everybody lost their shit over this show and, while I certainly think it's well written, it hasn't quite gotten to the "gripping" part for me yet. Also, the episodes are so long and deep that it's a hard one to marathon.

Parks and Rec - Basic sitcom, and a humorous one at that. Unlike Breaking Bad, I could watch this all day. Light and fluffy.

Star Trek (TOS) - I'm somewhere down at the end of the first season and it's been entertaining so far. Despite the rocky start it's had trying to flesh out that universe, the core stories feel very Trek.


The new season just started, and I don't want to give away too much of my opinions for the end-of-year reviews, so I'll keep this brief.

Kyoukai no Kanata - The new KyoAni show, so obviously I have to watch. They've been on kind of a fantasy/mystery kick lately and this falls right in line with that.

Golden Time - Some college harem show. The first episode was pretty abysmal, but I'll stick around for the second to see if it improves and where they go with the cliffhanger ending.

Little Busters Refrain - I enjoyed the first season enough to watch the second. It's Key, so generally that means emotionally manipulative stuff even if it's not being expertly executed by KyoAni.

Nagi no Asukara - Interesting show about fish humans. I have a super weak spot for oceany type things, and the visuals hit that spot with a jack hammer.

Kill la Kill - From the guys who brought you Gurren Lagann, another crazy ass, stylized action show.

So, yeah. There's my post for the day.