Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

The Me of Yore, Part 4

It's been a bit since I added a journal entry. There should be no reason for this, especially since the content is already written and all I have to do is transcribe them. However, these two aren't quite as happy go lucky (and the entry that occurred between them was even less than happy, but at some point was lost to the annals of time). I have no comment on these, so will just present them.

Eighth Entry September 21, 1999 Hi! It's been awhile since I last wrote. I got another letter from Leah. I sent one to John again. I'm hoping to get a letter from him this week. [two statements redacted for personal reasons] Also the Birthright garage sale is on Friday and Mom is going to get me some art pencils. Joey is scooting around now. He is really big. Grandpa is in the hospital. It doesn't look good either. Dave came up. It was nice to visit with him. DFad is going to let me send and recieve e-mails via his address. I can't get my own because I was on QB chat. Speaking of QBasic I'm making a new game. It's called Mario Mash. I'm just about finished. All I need to add is sound and music. My fish is still around. He also knows a trick. When I feed him I flip the food down off the shelf and he goes crazy. We're almost finished our first month of school. It's kinda easy except for English. I'm learning about the French-Indian War. It's really neat. Well gotta go. Bye!

Tenth Entry October 4, 1999 The day after the last entry grandpa died. The funeral has been and everyone came up. I got to meet mom's bro Mike. We got a macintosh. It's lots of fun. I'm keeping a second journal on it. I finished my Mario game. It's better then Plane Attack. Now I'm going to make Rebel Attack. I have everything figured out. I got a letter from John today. I already have a letter ready to go. Well my hand is tiered so I'll wrap it up here. I forgot a few things. I got some art pencils. [statement redacted] [Mom and Dad are] talking about getting a computer right now.

I will say that it's hard to believe that my grandpa has been dead for nearly half my life. Wish I could play one last round of checkers with him...