Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

The Me of Yore: Part 5 - A Very Merry Christmas

We return after the downer that was the previous post with some Christmas joy! Between this entry and the previous, I began writing in a new notebook (thus resetting the entry number count). But, this is a pretty awesome entry, if only for the memories it brings back.

First Entry Tuesday, Jan 4, 2000

Well we have survived. No Y2K bug anywhere. Tonight we're going to swimming. Stevie is playing computer.

What a great Christmas I had. got alot of neat stuff. Here's a list so you don't forget.

  1. Portable CD Player - Mom & Dad
  2. Cards and a card game book - M & D
  3. Episode I Racer - Mom & Dad
  4. A Great Joystick - Mom & Dad
  5. Nascar 2 Racing - Amy
  6. A shirt - Jen
  7. Star Wars Monopoly - Jen
  8. Hastings Gift Card - Joey (Mom)
  9. A Picture Mosaic Puzzle - Grandma

I'm now e-mailing Chassidy & Casey. Also Dave & Dan. Jeff hasn't gotten anything back from Anthony. I haven't gotten anything back from Leah or John. I sent Christmas cards to all of my pen-pals. Well gotta run. Bye.

I cannot disagree; that was a pretty awesome Christmas. Episode I Racer I particularly have very fond memories of. Also, that joystick was the best I've ever used (a weighted Logitech Wingman, ftr). Additionally, in the time between this and the previous post, our family procured our first (modern) computer. I can still rattle off the specs:

Dell XPS-T450 (service tag 72y1a)

  • 450Mhz Pentium III
  • 128MB RAM
  • Voodoo 3 3000 w/ 16MB VRAM
  • Turtle Beach Montego II (sound)
  • 13GB HDD

I still have the original mobo/cpu in my closet. Ah, good times. Good times...