Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

The Me of Yore: Part 6 - Entrepreneurial Ventures

Getting down to the last of these.

Well I know new stuff in math now. Dad showed me some stuff last night. Jeff is continuing to write his Zelda book. Dad is in the living room playing the game that came with the joystick: WarBirds 2.01. It looks like alot of fun. I'm gonna play it tomorrow. I fired some christmas cards off to my pen pals. Jeff is buying books in bulk. He wants 700. But I'm giving him 20. That's a buck! Some dough I can add to my hastings card. Chris wants ten also. That's another 50 cents. I made it first in the die hard 500 on my Nascar game. Coming a little further on my puzzle. The water is really hard. My VBasic Classes are getting into animation now! I spent an hour doing that today! Well that's all for now.

This reminded me of a little "business" I had called Bookings. Bookings' entire business model was centered around construction paper stapled to a few sheets of copy paper and then, apparently, sold for a nickle. Jeff was making comics at the time (something he still does), so I attempted capitalize off of it.

Also, these "VBasic Classes" of which I mention I believe were from a book on Excel VBA and the "card program" was a cataloging system for baseball cards (I had/have a fair amount of Topps 1993 series cards). Apparently, that Derek Jeter rookie card is worth something. And I've got a few of those, iirc...