Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

The Me of Yore: Part 7 - The Budding Programmer

The first entry is so short that I have to wonder why I even bothered, but the second entry... yes, the second entry is something special. Something that makes me laugh a pained laugh.

Third Entry

Thursday, Jan 13, 2000

Well Jeff is finishing his Zelda books. I have new VBasic classes. As soon as I can get it working. Oh well thats all for now.

Fourth Entry

Jan 19, 2000

Hello. I heard from Leah yesterday. Boy did she get alot of stuff for Christmas. She obviously has a computer. Her letter was printed. By accident I found out mom's e-mail address. It's [redacted] Kinda neat! So I e-mailed her today and I'M ALIVE!!! I have officially finished Excel! I made a cards program. Next is VB 5 and then DIRECTX. Thats right it's a LANGUAGE. So I will climb in the world. I'll be a top programmer at 15. Anyways gotta run. Bye!

We'll gloss over my erroneous comments about DirectX being a language or the fact that knowing my mother's email address at the time would've meant certain death, and skip to the single most awesome thing I've read in all these journal entries thus far; the bold delcaration of having "officially finished Excel".

How does one "finish" Excel? Does it involve an end boss fight with pivot tables and a cell formula with many functions? Who declared this "finishing" official? It's true that my Excel VBA skills exceed that of your standard user (in large part because of my father), but this declaration just doesn't hold any kind of matter.

But, let's face it; I was also under the delusion that programming in VB and DirectX was going to make me a "top programmer", and at fifteen, no less.