Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

The Me of Yore: Part 8 - Just Another Day

We're getting down to the bottom of this barrel I have unearthed, a fact I lament because it has made for very simple upkeep of this blog. I'm not sure I can go back to writing original content...

Fifth Entry Jan 30, 2000 Well VB5 is out of the question. The Damn software doesn't work. I've almost made it through Ando Prime on E1R (Episode I Racer). That's right I've been playing it. I've been listening to my CD player like crazy. We've had alot of snow lately. I made a fort for me and the other two (i.e. Jeff, Chris). We've had several fights over the last few days. The first one I annilated their for. Well gotta go. Tottles.

For the record, "tottles" was not a typo during transcribing.

Sixth Entry Feb 14, 2000 Well This is going to be a big entry. We figured out how to get Ep 1 Racer working. You have to have Sonic & Knuckles in the background. I'm going to make FF (first fantasy). It's going to be 3D. Anyways, the big news is mom's pregnant again. Tootles.

Poor Maggie (the aforementioned fetus). The announcement of her coming into being is overshadowed by the details of how we got around a particularly annoying issue in Episode I Racer. I guess by the time sibling number five rolls around, the whole idea just kind of lost its charm. That, and at the time of this writing Maggie could very well have been brother number five.

Also, why is it I abbreviated Episode I Racer that one time (and then bothered to spell it out later)? And why can I spell "tootles" correct one week, but not another? And what is Damn software?

The world may never know.